What is 502 Bad Gateway Error?

Jakir Miah
1 min readMar 19, 2021


502 Error

502 Bad Gateway! This is a server related problem. Again, many times if the VPN or Proxy is on, this kind of problem occurs.

When you try to access a website, that is, send a request to a specific server, if the server acts as a proxy for another server, that is, shows you information from another server and receives an incorrect response from that server when fetching that data, then this particular server shows you 502 Bad Gateway Error in place of the desired content.

Suppose you use Wi-Fi internet at home. Now if you want to access Google, your request will first go to the server of your Wi-Fi service provider. If your Wi-Fi service provider’s server does not receive a proper response from Google’s servers, you may see this error message in the browser. And this is called 502 Error. This is because the HTML status code 502 only refers to this type of error.

How to fix 502 Bad gateway Error?



Jakir Miah
Jakir Miah

Written by Jakir Miah


Nothing to say... Still learning :)

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